Family Photographer on Tybee – Lauren, Ollie and Maddox gave some great candid shots for this Savannah Photographer!
Lauren, Ollie and Maddox gave some great candid shots for this Savannah Photographer!
These kids really loved everything about Tybee Beach! Maddox ran and chased birds while Ollie ran and chased her brother. They both loved to jump in the water, climb rocks and find seashells. Posing for photos was not on their list of things to do but they sat for a few- gave me a smile and then I “rewarded” them with a climb up a fallen tree – another photo op – then a quick smile once more! Lauren was a photographer and shared with me that she really loved candid photos on the beach so actually everything the kids did – turned into a great photograph! The swings on Tybee made a nice finale! I am so glad that she decided to take just 30 mins out of their vacation to hire a photographer. I always say “they are only so little for so long”.