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Baby Moon Photos in Savannah with Rebecca and Steve (sorry Steve, I had to use the words “Baby Moon”)

  1. What is a “baby moon”? In case you didn’t know:
noun: baby-moon
a relaxing or romantic vacation taken by parents-to-be before their baby is born.
a period of time following the birth of a baby during which the new parents can focus on establishing a bond with their child.
“a babymoon is regarded as a crucial time for a family to establish itself”

 This is exactly what beautiful couple Rebecca & Steve did on their trip to Savannah GA ! They hired a photographer to capture their new baby bump (again, sorry Steve) and their 30 min session in Forsyth Park. 

Steve is a manly fireman and really hates the words “baby moon” and probably “baby bump” – but he was a trooper and we  had a blast! This beautiful Christian couple married many years ago and are still so much in love. Rebecca’s former job was teaching Olympic taekwondo!

I’d love to see your babies…don’t be a stranger!

Your session was awesome!! I loved  how well you posed!

 Very Important Instructions:

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  •  ~If you use them on social media, I’d love credit: (#DreamWeaverPhotos on Instagram or Facebook)~
  •  ~Save time & buy them directly from my site! Spend $20 and get FREE SHIPPING!~
  •  ~If you loved your experience I’d appreciate a  review. Here is the link ~
  • ~This gallery will expire 1 month! Download your photos to a hard drive/ thumb drive ASAP. After 1 month, you may be charged a fee to re-upload them again and we don’t want that.~
  • ~To see all your fantastic photos from your awesome Savannah photographer – click here~
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