Senior photo session Savannah and Tybee
Ever come across someone who you just think “I really need to grab his autograph because this guy is going to be even more amazing than he is right now?” I had the absolute pleasure of photographing not just any senior but a truly talented and well-spoken guy who is probably going to take my job someday. That was my professional experience when I photographed Aidan for his senior photo session at Forsyth Park , St John’s Cathedral, all over Savannah, and Tybee Island. So here is a small spotlight on Aidan – a senior at South Effingham High School who made it onto the yearbook staff having just transferred from Pennsylvania. What is remarkable about Aidan is he is so passionate about photography and just taking things as they come. I went to 4 high schools in 4 years and I speak from experience when I say it is really rough coming from a high school where you had friends to being a senior in a brand new state and new school but Aidan throws himself into just being a better person. Seeing a photo of himself after he won an award for photography for a local PA newspaper, Aidan made his mind up to lose weight and he was rather candid when he said “it’s a daily struggle” – my impression of Aidan is that he is great at what he does (he told me that he only shoots raw and pretty much taught himself Lightroom) but not in any sort of arrogant way, just somebody you’d like to hang out with because not only will your IQ will increase but you’ll have a great time being able to carry on a conversation that is not typical for many high school seniors.
Driving in the car for about 2 hours all over Savannah to go to different places to photograph Aidan’s senior photo session, I could tell that he gets a lot of his successful attributes from his mom, Korin who began scrap booking – got so good at it and had multiple requests for her own illustrations to be turned into stamps that she started her own Christian stamping company called SweetNSassy Stamps, who’s motto is “Sharing the love of Christ through paper crafting” . This family just rallied around each other through this move – and I feel that the photos taken below really represent who Aidan is as himself. And truthfully, I hope to always represent all seniors this way since I have never met a “typical” senior. All teens are struggling with the waves of life crashing around them- they are talented – each given a gift from God that they have to discover themselves – sometimes going through all kinds of roads just to lead them down the right path. At random times without “warning” these teens are joyous, friendly, they want to talk about what they are passionate about and they have something to say. I am so glad to have met this wonderful duo and hope to stay connected. Aidan – I forgot that autograph… we have got to meet up and maybe you can teach me some tricks about Lightroom!!
To see all of Aidan’s senior photo session, please click here